Friday, April 30, 2010

Using the cane more

Dear family and friends,

The main event of the day was using the cane more and going to RSNS (our Reconstructionist Synagogue, which is about as far left as one can go without joining the Unitarians or dropping organized religion altogether). This was my first trip with someone other than Merwin, and Ilona was an ideal person to be the first because she is so careful and caring. I took a pillow, which she carried in for me, and I walked from the curb to the library where we older women help prepare the RSNS newsletter for mailing. We enjoy each other's company and talk about anything that's on our minds. Many of us are the ones who come to the monthly First Friday lunch gathering at the Jolly Fisherman.

Florence took me home, and Ilona took Gladys home. Florence lives right around the corner from me.

The rest of the day was taken up by resting. Fatigue set in in a big way. This is the down side of the prednisone taper, I imagine. This is how I felt last summer before I started on that med, first to go with the thalidomide, and then to counter the pneumonia, and finally to taper. Perhaps I should not have, but I also stopped the codeine and turned to plain Tylenol for pain. So pain is a factor also.

The worst news of the day came from Uncle Joe, who called to say that our nephew Paul had had a bad fall and was in the hospital. Paul and I have been tracking each other because while I am recuperating from my fall, he is recuperating from surgery on veins of his leg which have given him such intense grief that he had to go the surgery route. He evidently took a bad step, fell and broke through the stitches. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital, and we don't even know which one. We left a message for his wife, Gail, but have not heard anything more.

We also phoned Phyllis who has been home for a few days. She sounds very weak, but it is so good to know she is well taken care of at home. She is very happy with her doc, whom they had just visited before our call.

So all the news today is medical unfortunately. Better news tomorrow, I hope.

Love to all,

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