Thursday, April 8, 2010

The bed beckons

Dear family and friends,

As planned, Bill taught me how to get into my bed. It's amazing what a few key moves will do. The main thing is to use a stool to raise the good left leg, then hook the good left foot under the ankle of the right foot (that move supports the bad leg and hip) and use the leverage of the good one to lift the right leg. It's a bit difficult, and though I tried it 3x under Bil's supervision and Merwin's watchful eye, none of us felt that I would be able to do it on my own safely. Yet this morning, after a few false moves, I did do it all my myself. There is nothing like determination and a will to proceed. I am happy I can work through the pain—and thankful that sitting here, typing, I feel no pain. Bill keeps on telling me that this is one of the most painful breaks. Yes, I know, I think to myself, but does it do me any good to hear about it?

The outdoor cycle continues apace: tree after tree comes into full bloom, then fades. Our neighbor Ricky trimmed his cherry tree, and Laury, who visited in the morning, brought in a large bunch of twigs. They will be a delight for a few days. Later in the day Phe visited and though we have know each other for over 50 years, it seems we had much in our pasts to catch up on. A great pleasure.

We spoke briefly to Lee and Murray; our daughter-in-law Sandy was on her way there as we spoke. This is a hard time, the end game. We pray for a peaceful conclusion.

My splendid librarian friends came through for me big time. I think I will soon have on hand every remaining reference I need for At Sea. I am going to suggest to the new editor of SQ that perhaps certain 19th century materials be made available on their website. Jay at NYPL found the 1825 essay I was looking for in the London Magazine, the first detailed discussion of the then newly discovered Q1 Hamlet (1603) and managed to email the pages. Isn't technology wonderful! Google books and other resources did not have this journal, but Jay found it and xeroxed the pages. David at NCC got from Google Books some pages I need and will send them. Alicia has 2 books for me at ILL. Someone will pick them up soon.

Now that I can get into the bed, and will soon try remaining in my bedroom all night, I can ask Merwin to move the work table in my study back into the center, so I can work on the next projects, mainly Measure for Measure and

It's a good time for me, and I hope for all of you too.


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