Thursday, April 15, 2010

Talking to friends and family

Dear family and friends,

Yesterday's special event was a visit from our cousin Sylvia, who brought loads of family photos from her recent visits to Israel. She battled 2 hours of traffic to get here in mid day from Brooklyn. It can't be more than 30 miles away. While she was here, Rachael found time during her brief lunch hour to phone. She and Michelle will come together when Rachael finishes her current gig. The plan is to cook together! Nice. I am always up for that. I told Rachael a story that makes me laugh. After my friend Phe visited the other day, she had an appointment with the same physical therapist I had been going to, so Phe mentioned to Beverly, the receptionist, and Vicky, the therapist, that she had been visiting me. You may recall that it was in front of that very office that a raised bit of sidewalk flew up and bit me, leaving me in a heap with a broken pelvis. When Beverly and Vicky came out in response to my calls for help, they called for an ambulance, but while we were waiting, I reached into my purse and said, “Wait a minute! Beverly! Here take the Irish Soda Bread I brought for you guys!" Beverly told this story to Phe, who called me later and told it to me. I laughed and laughed. Of course, since it was March 16th, I would think of bringing soda bread, warm from Waldbaum's, and because I knew I was going to the hospital, I didn't want to take it with me. When you think of it, how badly could I have been hurting if I could think of soda bread?

Merwin took Ruth to the Philharmonic in the evening: I just can't manage such a trip yet. When I am comfortable with a cane and feel less vulnerable, I will try an event. The first one coming up is Ilona's art show at RSNS, which is in the neighborhood really. I am a little afraid of being bumped in a crowd—and overturned. But Ilona is going to have a chair ready for me a little away from the crush. She is such a dear, considerate person.

The rest of the day was spent as usual, but I also did a lot of tidying up. I love neatness and order but seldom get everything together. My work gets piled up here and there. Right now, I can look at my work table, bare except for the recent copy of SQ, and everything pretty much in order all around, except for this desk where I am sitting.

A good day shaping up today.


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