Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nothing much new

Dear Family and Friends,

My first thought this morning was "I wonder if I could go to the gym for an exercise class tomorrow morning"? Merwin says "no," not until I am off the antibiotics in about 2 weeks. It's a chore remembering to take this every 6 hours around the clock.

The weekend went well with Sandy arriving from CT on Friday for Merwin's birthday, Dave and Lincoln popping in, Arthur and Debbie phoning with their good wishes and news, and Harvey staying all week long to make sure all went well (which is amazing considering how busy he is and how much he has to do). I am touched by the devotion that comes my way. We went out for dinner last night at Sherwood's, the fusion restaurant close by. I had my absolute favorite, ginger soup, from the Thai menu. It's the only vegetarian soup Sherwood's makes, and it is fabulous. Besides, ginger is supposed to be good for people with compromised immune systems.

I am feeling pretty good at the moment, having just had my nails done, hands and feet both, at a little shop in Glen Head. Not much English there, so I got a somewhat fuller treatment than I really wanted. Earlier, I watched an old movie, "The Enchanted Cottage," and found it somewhat hokey of course but charming in its own way—and true, too. Attitude and belief are everything.

Also, I am confident that the meds I am taking are fighting the opportunistic pneumonia that left me breathless a week ago.

I even did a little work (and plan to do more); some on hamletworks, and some on Measure for Measure. And I can smile because Merwin has promised me that one way or another, even if he has to drive me to the City, he will get me to my writing group meeting at Kathryn's.

The day has been lovely, now darkening, and I am happy to be home, alone with Merwin. Company is wonderful too of course, but sometimes quiet times are welcome.

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that you are getting more energy as the day goes on.
