Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Weird ups and downs

Yesterday, exhaustion set in so that when I went to my hem in the afternoon, I had to lie down on the examining table instead of sitting. But after I came home I actually took a real nap and woke up feeling chipper and energetic. Evening energy! How odd. I did go to sleep early anyway, and didn't have to change nightshirts even once! That's a first for a while.

So now we are going to start this thalidomide-prednizone treatment--I say "we" because Merwin is so much a part of it. It's quite a rigmarole to get thalidomide because it's off list, not OKed for this purpose. The side effects may be difficult.

I went to the exercise class again today, so I don't think I'll mention that again: I intend to go every day that I am in Glen Head. I am feeling really good now and just hope it lasts through the day when we meet son Harvey, daughter-in-law Sandy, and their twins for dinner tonight. And I am eager to get to the NYPL today too. Let's see how it works out.

One exciting thing: we got our new air conditioners all installed beautifully. These replace our noisy in the wall units. They are made by Mitsubishi and have the compressors outside, so that's where the noise is (but not too bad). We are supposed to get a tax rebate for changing to these energy-efficient units. I am thrilled that I will be able to breathe more easily with air coming in without blowing me away. The units went high up near the ceiling in 4 rooms, quite an installation job. Merwin participated in several ways and enjoyed watching these experts at work.

Goodbye for now,

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