Saturday, October 10, 2009

Starting a blog

I thought it might relieve my feelings and give me a chance to communicte with friends and others about the condition I am living with, p.vera, aka polycythemia vera, a blood "condition." I used to call it a condition, but now I am calling it by its current name "a cancer" of the blood. I ws diagnosed quite by accident in 2003, and the news floored me at the time. But with the help of the MPD list and others, especially my dear husband, Merwin, who also has a similar blood cancer, called ET, I am learning to live while I can and not worry too much about the final outcome, which is the same for all.

I am now old enough to feel I have lived a full life whatever happens. I will be writing regularly, I hope--more to relieve my own feelings and keep track of how my head works with what I have than to write an actual history.

If anyone reads this, I hope it can help them whatever they are struggling with.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bernice,

    This is my first visit to a blog--how appropriate that it is yours!

    With your condition I have experienced a shift inside myself--hard to describe. You have mentored and loved so many of us--probably thousands! I am glad that you, as a writer, have chosen to write about this. When do u start the new medicine?

    I am home on Weds and Fridays, and always Sats and Suns! If you want to go for a walk, call me and I would love to visit the old neighborhood with you.
