Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good news all around

Dear family and friends,

The best news this morning comes from Naomi, who heard it on the news: Lori Berenson has been paroled, at last. Many of us think her trial was a farce, her crime non-existent or at least a far-fetched exaggeration. See the New York Times this morning (search Lori Berenson). She has been in prison since 1995, serving a 20-year sentence, and has to remain in Peru while on parole.

The other good news is more personal: We went to Dr. K yesterday and got very good news. My platelets are well up over 100 and my white blood cells are low, well below 100. Merwin, who is our record keeper, has not given me the chart yet, but when he does I'll add the specifics—or not. The point is that I am doing well, the prednisone taper is going well without the extreme fatigue or the pneumonia that accompanied the last effort to taper. So I am to continue at this slow, slow 2.5 mg a week taper, leaving me 6 weeks to go to zero. Dr.K also thinks my spleen is smaller, though only an ultrasound can measure it in toto. The red blotches on my arms are also fading.

It took 3 hours at the doctor's. because she had so many problems to solve, so it was very late for lunch: as a solution, Merwin finally redeemed a part of the gift certificate he got from Bobbie and picked up a sandwich at Ben's—which he enjoyed very much. This meant a very light supper for him. Thank you Bobbie!

Other good news: Barry and Jessica phoned from Jack's house, practically around the corner from us in Mill Neck. They have just returned from world-wide travel, including Venice and the Galapagos. Jessica sent wonderful photos, but I don't know how to download them. Merwin can probably do it. The three are coming today for brunch, and I am thrilled that we will be seeing them with Phe, who was coming for lunch but graciously agreed to come for brunch instead.

Here is the URL for their Galapagos photos: I just tried it and it did work. I hope you don't mind, Jessica?

Once we had settled on brunch, we went to North Shore Farms again to pick up just a very few things that I wanted. There's going to be a lot of food!

We heard from various children. Sandy's mother is still hanging on. She indicated she wanted to see the flowers outside and was wheeled out in a recliner. She is confounding all predictions. I am glad (here from a distance) for her tenacity: she wants to live! and don't we all?

Obviously, I did a certain number of work-related things, but enough with that for now. Off to prepare for the brunch!


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