Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why am I smiling?

Dear friends and family,

With this knee problem continuing, a gash in my forearm (just a skin-scrape really, but very ugly) that spontaneously started bleeding this morning after being quiet all day yesterday, itching pretty uncomfortable, the pelvis, and all the rest, it does amaze me that I am smiling. Why? Because it's another beautiful, if excessively hot, day; because this morning I mailed my essay to SQ with comments to the editor; because I had a terrific work day with Laury yesterday; because, because. I guess because it's my nature: thank you, Mama. You were ever cheerful.

Today will be a blur. I will see the dentist about the tooth he tried to patch together: I don't think it's working. I will try to see the dermatologist about this rash on my face; she's a hard one to see on a moment's notice, but if I can get her opinion about my rash, I won't have to see the dermatologist, maybe, at Mt. Sinai on Thursday. Then there are the fun things: coffee with Elaine at the JCC where I will also try a few arm exercises in the weight room, and tea with Rabbi Lee, who is coming here at 3 p.m.

Lots to do before then! So I will make this a short one. Merwin is busy making slides into photos, and soon I should be able to put them up on the blog, one by one, or a few a a time.

Wishing everyone peace and serenity today and all days,

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Bernice---

    feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (and thank you so much for being such a profound inspiration!)
