Sunday, July 4, 2010

Skipped a day!

Dear friends and family,

The best news of the day (yesterday) was a Skype call from Kathryn and Antonio in Italy. They don't have a camera, but Skype provides voice service from their computer. They saw me! It is so good to be able to be in touch with distant friends. And of course I have email from many people who are dear to me, including my faithful partner, Laury, who bears with all my failings (like the need for naps when she is ready to work).

Not much happening around here. Just the usual. The biggest news I guess is the effect CEP-701 seems to have on my sleep patterns. I sleep deeply, both naps and night. Last night I think I was asleep before 8 p.m.. Merwin came in and turned off the light, as he has been doing these last few days, and I didn't hear him or the explosion of fireworks in the neighborhood. I seem to dream, but cannot remember the dreams. I haven't slept this well or deeply in years!

I wish my pelvis would get better. There is still pain, and I still need the cane to get around outdoors. I don't feel steady enough on my feet to manage without it. But, OK, so I look like the old lady I am.

We went for a walk this morning before the weather got really hot; we feel so lucky that we have Tappen Beach and Hempstead Harbor within a few minutes of our home. Merwin walks fast ahead of me, and I walk slowly. Today I sat on a bench about half way down the Sycamore path and watched the water-scene, and he picked me up in the car. We saw loads of Canada (so-called) geese and one egret (why is it that the singleton is so special to us?), a woman kayaking, lots of dogs, a very happy one racing into the water after a ball, lots of walkers. I smile and say "Hello" to all I see, and feel very lucky to be there.

I have developed a rash on my face and will have to deal with it. If it's an effect of CEP-701, I may have to end the experiment. I know this because I sent an email to the Mt. Sinai team and my dear Doc. M. answered from Paris, with advice to see my dermatologist as soon as possible. Ha! I wonder if I can get in to see her tomorrow? If not, I will have to see the derm at Mt. Sinai: oh my. that would extend the visit for hours, no doubt.

I will go with the flow. Friends Harris and Evelyn phoned to ask us about lunch today and a movie this afternoon, and I said "Yes!" I have loads of work to do, but I also want to get out. The work will still be there tonight.

Love to all, and a Happy 4th of July!

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