Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring ahead

Dear family and friends,

The words "Spring ahead" convey so much: The season spring IS ahead; we can feel it in the air in spite of the gray skies this morning, the aftermath of a very rainy day yesterday that is continuing today. In the backyard and the deck, where no snow was shoveled into piles, the snow had disappeared already. Now, even in the front yard and in the streets, where it had been piled high, it is completely absent, bare pavement all around. Spring also suggests the lift in spirit we get when the day lasts longer, when the days get warmer. Last fall, I didn't know if I would see another spring, but here I am, very much here indeed.

Yesterday was a quiet day, as planned. Phone calls, emails, of course, but I didn't even step out of the house all day. We did have a wonderful iChat with Lee and Murray, our dear mahatunim (Yiddish for the parents of the person married to one's child: no word for that relationship exits in English, perhaps because there IS no relationship so often among English-speaking people). Lee is facing a more dire illness than mine, pancreatic cancer, and Murray is facing it with her, her support as he has been these 60-odd years of marriage.

We have a lovely relationship with our dear Sandy's parents. Year after year, we see each other at family events, usually in Connecticut. I wondered if Lee, as sick as she is, could try for a last visit for Passover. If she would be able to go, so would we make the effort as well. Though Lee was her usual bright and interested self on the iChat, she does not feel up to taking the trip: too much pain needs to be managed, and meds are not working well for her. Still, she had gone out shopping with Murray during the day and then recovered with a long nap. But all these things, as I know well, are easier at home, with one's own comforts. Anyway, seeing each other on iChat was a simple pleasure of the day.

The main work of the day was a bean soup, long simmering on the stove. I worked on but more importantly finished up the paper for Le Harve. It's too bad we can't go; I don't have the will to travel far from my doctors. Too much to take care of here. This conference, organized brilliantly by Sarah and Nathalie whom we enjoy being with so much, is a delight: I have had the pleasure of being part of it in the past. It's an invitational and fully paid--airfare, hotel, meals, etc. I have a yearning feeling about it, especially because it would have given us the chance to be with our dear friends Michèle and Raymond, but I think the SAA meeting will be a steep enough test of my endurance.

Another string of angel lights arrived yesterday, and I am wondering where they will go and how they will look. The lights themselves are great: LED, very low wattage, and very long lasting, and lovely, but the wire they are strung on is green. I knew that when Dave ordered them for me, but I thought we could manage. Dave, with his design skills, will help.

The extra prednisone has puffed up my cheeks more than ever and increased my appetite as well. But this too shall pass. My resting breathing is very good.

We phoned the girls (Rachael and Michelle) to see how their move went, but no response yet. We hope to see them next weekend, when we will try to arrange a get-together with them and Harvey and Sandy when Arthur and Debbie are here. More plans! the secret of a forward-looking life, whether they materialize or not!

Love to all,

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