Friday, March 19, 2010

Big Improvements

Dear family and friends,

I am sitting here, smiling, enjoying the sun streaming into my study, which is now also my bedroom. I have to brag a little. I think I wrote that when I came home from the ER on Tues. late afternoon, everyone was stymied about how to get me from the car to the house, up the few steps into the house. I suggested my rolling chair, which worked well not only to manage the path and (with a lift from a couple of strong guys) stairs, and also worked well for mobility around the 1st floor of the house, from my study to the rest of the 1st floor. No pain while rolling merrily along.

Well, yesterday, after an incredibly difficult time getting into the comfortable sofa bed in the study and even more difficult getting out of it in the morning, I said, "Why not a recliner chair?" By the end of the day, thanks to Dave's web searches, phone calls from me to a very understanding store manager (Noelle)), and a trip by Arthur and Debbie to a La Z Boy store at the other end of Long Island, I had my recliner, a new model for smallish people like me that was on sale for only $300, and which could be put right into their car. I had a very successful night and rose easily (well, easily enough) from the chair with Merwin's help of course. One works out methods to use what can be used. I also added a new skill: I can now move from the rolling chair to a standing position and over the sill of the bathroom door. Lifting the chair over by man-power is hard. So I am pleased that I am making this progress in only a couple of days.

My thesis adviser, Coleman Parsons, once said to me, "You have common sense that borders on genius." This was when he was visiting here, and he needed some meds. I knew what he meant. I may not have been in the top drawer of intellectual ability, but common sense would bring me through. I think it has. Forgive me, if I am proud of myself!

Debbie keeps cooking up a storm. And I have done a few things in the kitchen too. It's interesting working at wheel-chair level: one gets a new perspective. I made phone calls to both my primary care doctor (no response) and to my hem (instant response) about getting help. I need someone to draw my bloods regularly, to monitor my meds and also to help me cope here. I still cannot walk with the walker. Good Dr.K! I expect to hear from a visiting nurse today.

On other fronts, I returned a lightly edited version of Fernando's essay on Italian Hamlets, and he immediately answered some questions and changed some of my solutions. I sent it off to Jeffery for inclusion on the website, a wonderful addition. That section will continue to grow and prove helpful to many. Also, I am continuing with the essay for the Le Harve book.

We are expecting to have our four sons come for dinner tonight with our two daughters-in-law. We are truly blessed. Debbie and I will be getting the place in order (she will do the work: I will direct from my chair!), and she will be cooking enough for us tonight to freeze a few meals for Merwin in the week to come. She made a wonderful dinner last night: the best spinach salad I think I have ever tasted, with perfectly ripe avocado slices as garnish and with chopped hard-boiled eggs; For the main dish, she made a delicious cabbage and noodle dish. Merwin would have liked the original sweet version of this recipe better than the one Debbie made to suit Arthur and me. I am looking forward to our leftovers for lunch. Nothing wrong with my appetite! For food, for family, for friends, for work, for life.

Love to all,

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