Monday, March 22, 2010

More planned than accomplished

Dear family and friends,

After some early stiffness, I was able to get from recliner to bathroom by myself again. I am feeling more normal every day. Sometimes, I forget that i cannot just rise from my chair and go fetch something. But I can roll to almost anything I need on this one level.

We stayed up late last night, feeling connected to this historic moment of the beginning of a new era in health care. Wow! when Stupak had to speak against the anti-abortion amendment brought to the floor, that was a tremendous moment. I can sympathize with him a little (not much) for his beliefs, but like many others I deplored his decision to hold up health repair with this one issue. So he had to eat crow, saying that the president's executive order promising no federal funds for abortions was sufficient for him. He was strong, he was tragic. Of course, no federal funds have been allowed to be used to fund abortions for over 30 years. The new bill does allow some very indirect funding to support abortions. Just think, a soldier needing an abortion cannot get one from a military (federal) facility. That was a law passed in the 70s, I believe.

It's a gray day today, the first full day of spring. Yesterday I did make it out onto the deck and soaked up some wonderful, strong sun. The trip was not easy because I had to negotiate one two-inch step. I had never thought of that as a barrier before, but it is when a foot can't be lifted off the ground but must be shuffled along. Still, the good thing is that this whole episode has shown me how resourceful I can be and how much I can accomplish as a temporarily disabled person. It's also made me submerge thoughts and fears about the other more persistent condition, the myelo fibrosis.

The gorgeous flowers that Sandy brought (and had arranged with her special skill) brighten up the dining room table. A card made by Ilona cheers the kitchen table. And all the many photos of family and friends continue to delight. We couldn't go to NYC of course to see Rachael and Michelle's new apartment yesterday, but their dad, Harvey, took lots of photos, so we feel we have been there. It is moving to see my sister's lovely furniture used so well by her grandnieces.

Merwin did go to Elliott's retirement party and enjoyed spending some time with the NCC friends who sat at one table. It sounds like it was a great occasion; I am looking forward to the photos.

Quiet days, thinking of good friends and loving family—and the work that sustains me. I wish everyone in pain relief from their suffering.


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Bernice---

    I'm finally finding time to catch up on your blogs! It's amazing how busy life gets and how time just slips by so lightning fast!

    I'm still sad about your fall, but as always, you heal quickly and have a resilient attitude and spirit....a true inspiration.........

    please get better soon...

    much love always!!!!!!!!!!!

