Thursday, February 18, 2010

Smiling already

Dear family and friends,

It's amazing what sunshine will do for one’s spirit. When I left this morning for SPIN, the sun was just beginning to rise; now, back at home, it is full-blast sunshine. Some of the snowballs remain, and the snow I see from my study is still pristine.

Yesterday's highlight, I guess, was getting a manicure and pedicure. Such a treat. There were lots of emails and phone calls, and near the end of the day I had a great time making discoveries that will be part of the paper I will read next month. It’s so much fun to get that "ah-ha" moment, and then to work out the thought in writing that conveys the idea forcefully to others. I cannot hope that everyone will agree with my controversial theories, but it is fun to think of the most jaundiced audience and somehow making them come around through the force of my argument. Well, we'll see. I will do my best.

My O2 level has come up to 96, which is really good, so I am hopeful that I will be able to read my paper myself. Next week I see Dr. Janus, the pulmonologist, and I am hoping the pneumonia will be much diminished if not gone completely. Climbing stairs is still a problem, but there are elevators all over, and buses are better than the subway. One can adjust. I am still a little shaky when walking, but all I need is Merwin's strong arm to steady me: it's the prednisone effect, and when Dr. Janus says that I can begin to taper, the shakiness will disappear, I hope.

After working, I enjoyed watching the Olympic athletes, taking such risks, trying so hard to perfect their art. The Pipe was fantastic. The athletes' work is mental AND physical; their concentration is palpable; the stakes are so very high. It's a thrill—and also a reality check. Lots of people all over try to do the best they can. That's what I want to do every day.

Love to all,

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