Sunday, January 17, 2010

Improvements here and there

Dear Friends and Family,

The very good news is that after two weeks of pain/discomfort from the flying leap I accidentally took in the bathroom and into the scale, bruising a rib, I am off of the codeine; plain Tylenol seems to handle it OK. Also, my arthritic thumb has been much improved.

Our son Harvey got us an oxygen measure: it's a little gadget that you put a finger into to see how much oxygen you are getting and what your pulse rate is. Though I feel quite breathless, even when lying in bed, the measure told me this morning that I am actually all right, with an O2 measure of 95 and pulse rate of 76. Not bad at all.

Carmen yesterday in HD film was as wonderful as we had expected it to be. We went with our friend Phyllis, whom we have known since our son Arthur was in nursery school, and we enjoyed not only the opera but being together. The Lativian mezzo-soprano Elina Garanca was absolutely brilliant: beautiful, passionate, sexy. What a far cry from some singers of old who were so heavy that they could not even move from one position to another on the stage! Garanca not only sang magnificently but acted the part believably: she made us understand her nature, her inability to be with one man for long. Everyone was excellent, from the conductor, obviously delighted with the music and his musicians, to the chorus and children. Every once in a while the camera would pull back to show what we would have seen at the Met in our usual $40 seats—a miniscule stage far below us. It's not bad being there in person: the sound is always excellent, but being right up close, seeing facial expressions, was a terrific treat. I hope we can go to the other operas this season.

Today will be quiet: no specific plans except an iChat with our friends in France. I look forward to a good day.

Love to you all,

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