Friday, December 3, 2010

Busy Day

Dear family and friends,

Yesterday was a busy one. Kathryn and Toby came for lunch just as I was finishing my walk with Sonia. Toby brought lots of goodies—falafel, hummus, pita, salad, sauces, dessert. Kathryn brought me some fantastic earrings; I think I even have an occasion to wear them. Sonia and I made potato latkes so that Toby especially could have a taste. I use lemon juice to help prevent the mix from darkening, so I was able to serve the same batter for latkes when Lincoln came by to join us for the lighting of the 2nd candle. Lincoln helped me by solving a computer problem in that has been niggling me in about 5 minutes. He is amazing.

I am trying to push myself physically, attempting things that make me a little nervous. I am operating in the spirit of Bill, the excellent physical therapist, who always pushed me to get back to normality as soon as possible. I walked earlier around the usual easy block without my cane and when I walked with Sonia, we went on the more difficult, more hilly route, also without my cane. Still the walks are very short.

Because of a bit of non-communication between my dentist and his secretary, Tina, I had to make a mad dash to the dentist for a broken tooth, split vertically into 3 parts. I decided that I could walk down the little hill to the garage and back the car out of the garage. Up to now, Merwin has put the car at the top of the drive for me. I used the cane to help. I left Sonia making pear compote—same as apple but not, to my mind, as good.

Today I am planning to go to the Jolly FIsherman by myself. This is for our monthly Women who Lunch activity. I would like to say "Ladies who Lunch," but that doesn't seem right these days. I will see a few friends there, but it is a small group today.

Yesterday was a horrendous itching day. I took pill after pill. They seemed to do no good. This is because of a rise of white blood cells as I have explained before, and the chemo is up a bit to help, as I already have mentioned. But it's not working yet.

Merwin wrote a note to our local doctor, Kurzyna, and our Mt. Sinai doctor, Mascarenhas, about a trial. There are trials, and Dr.M told Dr. K that he would phone us about coming in. Hasn't happened yet. I hope that a new drug might allay the itching and reduce the spleen, which impinges on everything.

My main work of the day, sadly (because I would like to move on) was reviewing my essay for Laury yet again and making changes, trying to make my points more clearly. If anyone would like to read this draft, I would be grateful. As a model I have Michèle's wonderful essay on Voltaire to read. She is such a good writer! So clear, so logical, yet graceful and expansive.

Today Arthur will be arriving, and I am not sure if he going to be working during the day or not. But we will certainly have the evening together. Tomorrow his wife Debbie will arrive at the airport and Arthur will pick her up. I have big plans: maybe a trip to T. J. Maxx with Debbie. I would go directly to one or two departments and really take it easy.

Other plans—to go to our studio apartment in the City again this week. I like to hope and plan.

Good luck today to Dawn: I am thinking of you!

Love to all, and good luck with all your hopes and plans,

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