Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The editing group at the top: Pete at the left, Nick near the right, along with Jesús. Reading the program: Nick. Contemplative in Prague: Hardin.

Dear Family and Friends,

The best news is that my essay “At Sea about Hamlet at Sea: A Detective Story” appeared as promised in the August issue of Shakespeare Quarterly, one of our premiere journals. The managing editor at the journal that I worked with told me that she worked to get my essay in first place among the essays published this time. I can believe that, because the editor of the journal as a whole seemed to care more about the dialogue he had shaped among various scholars about I am not sure what. My head is not clear enough to figure it out. It would probably help if I read the comments, but I am not tempted, not the way I feel now.

First among the book reviews there was one on four New Kittredge editions. The reviewer did not like them, but of the four mine with Laury on Romeo and Juliet rose above the rest. It was a little hard to see what he objected to in this sweet little series. We weren't true to Kittredge. Well yes, at times we weren't. He could not bring himself to explain any of the sexual innuendoes, and we did not mind filling in. Anyway, two of the things I have worked on in one journal issue.

When my health took a downturn a few years ago, I realized that I wanted to complete the essay “At Sea about Hamlet at Sea: A Detective Story,” which I had started years before but put down when our team received a large grant from the NEH. From 2007 I devoted my limited energy to the essay and other tasks for hamletworks.org. It was wonderful to work on the material, to make discoveries as I went along. Maybe that is one reason that I have not worked on Shakespeare for the last few weeks—my declining health, the cascade of errors that have led me to this position. I am grateful that Nick is taking hold where I have let go.

I am better. At my birthday lunch with the three July birthday friends on the 20th, I could not talk at all; I had to write my comments and mostly listen, as I have mentioned before. Today, Sonia came and prepared a few meals under my direction, and I was able to talk normally more or less. Her professional opinion by the end of our session together (no walks, no exercises) was that I looked better than I had when she arrived. Naturally, I said. You always make me feel and therefore look better.

It will be a while, though, before I am off the O2. Today we got another 25 feet of tubing so I can get to my big computer. When I removed the tubing, my O2 reading takes a dive. But it soon comes up again.

I think I have moped enough. I have plans to see Dawn, Jay, Barry and Jessica, Rick. I am not sure I can make it to Barbara's on August 2nd. But seeing people I love I know helps me a lot.

I count you among them:



1 comment:

  1. Love you, Bernice! Congrats on the essay again! I loved it!!!! :)
