Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Ray of Light?

Good morning all,

We have had a busy few days. The MRI results came in and showed nothing at all abnormal so the cause of the extensive black&blue blotches on Bernice's legs remains a medical mystery. The most distressing component has been an excruciating ankle pain that developed about two days ago when she first stood from her bed or chair. There was good news this morning for this pain seems to have abated. To paraphrase one of Bernice's favorite guys: one day without that pain does not a cure make. More encouraging is that the discoloration has faded somewhat and has moved downward. Harvey says this collected sub-skin blood would tend to move downward. Both he and Dr. M recommend to keep walking, keep feet elevated when in bed, and exercise the legs and feet even when in bed. If you know bernice, you can depend on her faithfully following such directions. She is doing a great deal of walking in the limited space of our bedroom and sitting room area. Until things settle down and she gets the doctor's OK the PT work has been suspended.

We had plans to try and get in and see her long-time hematologist Dr. K today but have now found this is her day off. This was a stop-gap we decided with Dr. M who recognized that a trip to Mt Sinai in NY City would be too arduous. I have hopes that this latest assault on her legs and sensibilities will fade away and she can continue to heal. She is dividing her time reading the NY Times, listening to some classical music, but with a special enthusiasm is working on the manuscript for Measure for Measure. This puts a big smile on her face and a glow in cheeks.

Yesterday Bernice suggested that she does not approve of her half-shaved head. A fuzz has sprouted where the neurosurgeon had to shave her skull and the rest sports her familiar and much-loved hair style. She wants to even things up and shave the other half — or at least level the playing field as they say. I was reluctant in my approval but Bernice almost always wins me over. Our neighbors Mel and Viv asked a local barber named Steve if he would come over to our house and perform this special shaping. Steve, a Russian-Jew said it would be a Mitzvah (a special blessing.) I will report later on the result.

On another front concerning a Home Health Aide, we may have an arrangement. As part of the medicare sponsored Visiting Nurse Service we are entitled to such help and we experienced the "help" of Yolanda for two visits. She was willing in her way but was very slow, quite dim, and neither Bernice nor I thought it was at all worth the trouble. In the time being, on the recommendation of Jane our agent for a Long Term Care policy we have, we had Sonia in yesterday. Based on this one visit we may be in luck. More on this as the situation develops.

Bernice and I composed a long shopping list and i am off to do this in moments.

Enjoy the day,

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