Monday, September 13, 2010

A Morning Blog

Hi All,

I managed to miss writing last night but will fill in on this still wet morning with a promise of later sun. Arthur left early Sunday morning but not before getting all his bedding in the laundry room, performing some general cleaning up, and making his mom some breakfast. At about 9:30, Bill the PT person from Visiting Nurses came to do his evaluation of how much PT Bernice will require. The territory was familiar for Bill very effectively guided Bernice back to better strength after her pelvic fracture last March. He got Bernice, using the hand rails on both sides, to get down the four steps to the main house level but he had to help considerably to get back up the stairs. She also walked with the help of her rollator. Bill will come in three days a week. He gave Bernice a set of exercises she is to do on her own.

Later in the day friend and Shakespeare collaborator Laury visited bringing Bernice news of their shared world and friendly conversation. In the early evening friends Florence and David stopped by with a just-made bread pudding and a lovely Shakespeare adorned coffee mug.

I am finding much to do with figuring out what to make for each of us to eat, keeping the house somewhat neat, and keeping up with all the household tasks. Dave is helping with shopping. There are a number of foodstuffs in the freezer which are a big help.

A young couple, Lorraine and Scott, live directly across the street from us and they are often helpful in many ways. They have two very pretty girls aged 6 and 3 and were expecting a third child but declined finding what the sex might be. I did not mention to them that in the past 40 years in this country, couples who already had two children of the same sex and then had a third child had the same sex about 70% of the time. They beat these odd when Justine, a little bruiser of almost 9 pounds was born last week. Bernice can get occasional pleasurable glimpses of the family through her front window.

Good morning,

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