Brian with his first pair of shoes (Newton, MA), ready to start day care. Audrey (Vaughan's youngest grandchild) with a neighbor (on her right).
Dear family and friends,
Wonderful to have these photos from friends. Our grandchildren are all grown up and are wonderful and beautiful, but, hey, there is something about babies, dogs and cats that gets to me. I love seeing them, in person or in photos, but I have to admit that I am happy that the baby phase of my life has passed and that I can enjoy them at a distance. Grown up children and grandchildren are totally wonderful without any sturm und drang.
Great news! I got a royalty check for Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet, published by Focus. A grand $2.86! This represents my share of sales for 6 months! Arthur gave me the idea of buying 2 lottery tickets and seeing if I can multiply the effect. Unlikely but fun. At least I can cash the check. I get minuscule royalties from Manchester UP, and it costs more to cash a British check than the amount concerned. I have told them to give me my royalties in complimentary books.
Toby and Elliott came with a vegetarian dinner from a local Chinese restaurant. All we had to do was set the table and provide the drinks. We had fun chatting, but fatigue and pain in my feet forced me to lie down on the couch not far from the table. I could participate to some extent in the conversation.
About the pain in my feet when I sit or stand too long, my doctor K did have a suggestion yesterday: neuropathy. It happens that I had an appointment with a neurologist about my feet that I could not keep because I fell just before my appointment in July. So I should make that appointment again. I asked her, “But what can be done about neuropathy?” She said there were medicines I could take that would not clash with the many meds I am already taking. If I could get rid of this pain, I would be able to live more freely—I'd be able to sit at restaurant tables and movie theaters and concerts without having to keep my feet up. That would improve our social life greatly.
Merwin had his first test. By the end of next week, we'll know the results of the two tests. We are holding off on fear because at his age Merwin's cancer could be containable.
The sun is shining; Sonia will be here soon, and we will have fun together.
Love to all,
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