The photos give some idea of our blizzard of 26 Dec through today. The photo of our deck, taken through the glass doors, shows how much there is. You cannot even see our 12' high stools. The sweep of the snow on the railing shows the wind's effect. The tree on the right is actually much closer to me; it fills my window, and it looks much more snow-laden than the photo version.
Dear friends and family,
I was lucky to get my walk in just as the first flakes had started yesterday. Merwin had gone out early to get bird seed for our feeders and found a mob at the supermarket. We have lots of food, leftover from the birthday party. I converted the salmon fillet into salmon salad and packed for the freezer most of the kedgeree, with two servings for Viv and Mel, which Merwin took over. All the candy went into the freezer too. That was my main work for the day, along with shelling the cooked beans to be added to Sandy's tomato soup, to which I will also add some tiny noodles. It was a very lazy day. My excuse was that I was recovering from the day before. My main activity was watching three movies. Don't ask me what they were. Nothing worth remembering. One was by the Coen brothers, the one about a bowling team to put it in its lowest denominator terms. Silly stuff, but it kept us wondering where it would go. I found I could lie on the couch in the study and see the computer screen where the movie was rolling.
Something happened with the power during the night, but by the time I was ready to get up it was back again. We are lucky here because a Lilco plant is nearby, and it seems to take care of our neighborhood. I an wondering if we will get to Dr. O today. The JCC is closed so no water aerobics for Merwin.
As you can tell, I have nothing much to say. The main reason for writing is to show the photos.
More interesting blogs to come, I promise.
Merwin is out the door already, eager to try his snow blower, which he and Arthur had made ready for the winter.
I am wondering if I will get to my appointment
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