Dear friends and family,
I have been up for a couple of hours because Lincoln is here and will be picked up in a few minutes by Dave to be taken to Stony Brook Hospital for a double hernia operation. Oh my. It'll be a nerve-wracking day, I know.
Yesterday was relatively uneventful. As my Mr. Sinai Dr. M. directed, I got an ultra sound scan of my left leg. He was concerned about a possible clot. That seems to be something we MPDers are likely to get. I am not sure why, but the tech told me right away that there was no clot. Usually techs say nothing. Later, Amy, from Mt. Sinai, called to ask about the results, and I was amazed that the Imagining company had not sent her the information. When one is in a trial, one gets a lot of attention. My dear Dr. Kurzyna sometimes phoned to follow up on something, but it was a rarity, maybe twice in 5 years. But Amy checks up on us regularly. Notice the "us": Merwin is very much in on this.
In the afternoon I got an unexpected phone call from Amy at my nail salon, asking if I'd like to came in. Yes, I would! They must be very slow if they are calling customers and looking for business. I guess in gratitude for my swift, positive response, Amy gave me a terrific 8-minute back massage: the usual is 2 minutes. What a nice treat for myself. Now if Paul could only give me a haircut!
I tried Bobbie and Norm's mock chopped liver recipe, which we had tasted at their house a couple of weeks ago. Nowhere as good as the version we had there. Who knows? the quality and the inexact measurement of the walnuts halves, the quality of the pumpernickel bagel, the amount of onion—any or all of these things might have affected the results. I enjoyed eating it, but it wasn't the treat I was expecting. My appetite continues to be enormous. I am still gaining weight.
Through the day my foot got more and more swollen; I tried to keep it up and give it a rest. After a while it also got painful. We see the neurologist this morning.
But I have to say, I am smiling. I am happy that Lincoln, who is single, wants to be here with us to recover. I am happy that Rae-Rae, Debbie, David and a friend of Rae-Rae's will be visiting us soon. And I am happy that I have lots of things to do to keep my mind busy and contented.
Love to you all,
Here waiting to talk to more people, I go into the or at 7:45. So far talked to a few people but the doc not in yet