Above, Laury and Elyssa: can you tell they are mother and daughter?
To the left, Pete from MIT and the hamletworks.org team; we met here about a month ago to talk about the future of the site: from the left, Nick, Pete, Eric and Hardin with me in front. To the right, the three hamletworks.org teacm membeers on their way to the airport: Hardin, Eric and Nick. These are all dear people I know because of Shakespeare. Lucky me.
Dear friends and family,
It makes me smile to think of these friends and fellow workers in the Shakespeare vineyard. I am now as hooked on photographs as I was when I first had a little Brownie camera. And how I loved the instant photos I took with my Polaroid—to say nothing of the beautiful good camera my sister bought us to celebrate the birth of our first child, Harvey Jon, whose birthday is tomorrow. Then for years we did not have a camera. And did not miss it. People often sent us photos; Harvey is an incessant photo taker. And that seemed enough. But then my cousin Gert left her disposable camera when she was here. We completed the photos on that one, bought another, and now have ordered in lieu of airline tickets a fine camera with our frequent flier mileage. The photos above all come from the disposable cameras: not too bad. But just wait!
This morning when I got up I had a real urge to go to the gym at the JCC. But then I remembered that we had to go shopping early this morning (to avoid the crowds) and decided to wait till I could make a date to meet friends there.
Yesterday was a quiet day. Jack, the P.T., says I am much stronger now than I was two weeks ago. That's good news. But the discomfort is still very much there: when will it go away? Otherwise the day was very much as usual, a bit of work on this and that, a nap here and there, and email exchanges with friends. Careful watch of the symptoms that come with CEP-701.
I am thinking ahead to the completion of our edition of Measure for Measure to other little things I want to write for the Shakespeare Newsletter, all having to do with Hamlet.
A very lovely day today here. I hope it is that for all of you in every way,
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