Dear family and friends,
Merwin has been going wild with old slides and has sent many to me; I started putting them on my desktop but he quickly overwhelmed me. These were some early ones, Anton to the left and his mother and sister, Vaughan and Marisa, to the right. I have posted photos of the more recent images of this beautiful family—dear friends all—one lovely portrait of Vaughan with her three children, and you may remember Marisa's darling girls.
On p. 6 of the Science Times yesterday, Derek Isaacowitz, who happens to be our friends Toby and Elliott's son-in-law, married to their son Eric, wrote that folks over 55 were much more likely to focus on positive images than bad. Here's a quotation:
"More striking, Dr. Isaacowitz found in another study that older people were twice as likely as younger ones to be 'rapid regulators'—people whose mood bounced back quickly, sometimes within minutes, after ruminating on depressing memories."
I think I should not announce my plans on my blog, because only two of the items I mentioned actually happened: Elaine and I did meet for coffee and muffin at Gila's in the JCC, and during the short time I was there, I was happy to see a few people I know. I never did get to the weight room, however. Didn't get to the dentist either. And the Rabbi's tea with us will take place another day. I did go to my dermatologist and got the mixed message: the rash could be caused by the CEP-701. But she will try an antibiotic lotion first and if that doesn't clear it, then a biopsy is required to tell what's causing it. She didn't want to biopsy my face until she had to. I have another appointment in two weeks.
My appetite was enormous yesterday. I enjoyed every bite. I sometimes think it would be good to get into better control and get rid of these 15 prednisone pounds now that I am finished with it (hooray! I hope forever). But then I say, "What's the difference?" I never could lose weight without help. OA (Overeaters' Anonymous) did it for me for years, many years ago.
Onward to the busy day!
Love to all,
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