Dear Family and friends,
I never know how the photos will turn out on the blog. These small ones can be enlarged, as usual, by clicking and then using back arrow to return to the blog. On the left is a whole crew. From the left, Debbie (cousin Gert's daughter); Sylvia, our precious almost daughter; Honey, a California cousin; and below right Harvey and Arthur. The picture on the right shows cousin Nancy and Mina, Merwin's mother, at about age 55. I am happy that all these cousins are in our lives. Arthur commented on seeing Sylvia's photo that she looks exactly the same today. Indeed her features have changed the least of us all, I think.
Lincoln did leave after lunch and called twice from home to let us know everything was going well. He may or may not miss my mothering, but he is happy to get into his own routine. I am impressed by his resilience.
I had a good chat with Amy and Dr. M. about some difficulties I am having. Dr. M. was very concerned that my quality of life is not good on these meds. He recommended adding another med, and indeed it did seem to improve things. We decided, though, to play it safe and stay home yesterday. We will go into the City today for my writing group meeting. I have written a description of the novel The Dropper by Ron McLarty that I recently listened to on audio (Random House). We got it from our library. I got a very nice ad for it from bbmaster@luxinteractive.com, and I hope it helps sell the book, which I liked very much.
I am feeling much better than I did yesterday and for the last few days, so I am looking forward to good times in the City today and with Rae-Rae and crew starting tomorrow. The hamletworks.org project is going well, not so much from my work (very little) but because Nick has sprung ahead now that his regular course work is over. He has many responsibilities, though. We are adding all the time, and it is getter better and better. Laury and I are working well together on our Measure for Measure notes, one of the most important parts of our edition. So even a bad day like yesterday is not without its successes.
Today is my birthday, and many people have already written to wish me joy. I regret the end of “76” because when anyone would ask me my age I could sing out—“76 trombones”! Do you remember "The Music Man"? What can be sung to 77? A song of Thanksgiving, I guess, because a year ago I didn't think I would be here now. It's good to be alive and active and happy!
Love to you all,
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