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Good Morning All,
The sun is shining brightly now but there is a promise of rain in the afternoon. How lucky we are to experience weather changes at all. The just-rescued miners will have a keen appreciation for any kind of weathe after having none at all through their prolonged ordeal. Taking advantage of the fine weather yesterday, Bernice upped her walking distance by walking with her cane around a block in the company of Dimary, her aide. At this moment she is again out on the street but now with Sonia. This is the bright side of her recovery but bad back pain and some ankle pain still persist. We have our first visit since her hospital release with Dr. K tomorrow and we may get some answers. On Tuesday there was an article in the NY Times Science section discussing the experience of a woman who had a fall while riding her bicycle (her helmet was dented) and suffered a subdural hematoma — the same as Bernice.
On Tuesday Bernice continued with the pancake oriented culinary education of Sonia her TTh aide. A batch of salmon pancakes were prepared — a tasty dish eaten along with salad and vegetable or in a sandwich. I know little about their preparation except they are fried in olive oil after canned salmon is mixed with matzoh meal (bread crumbs may do in a pinch) and some other stuff(?). Sonia was delighted and took one of the patties home so her cook husband could try it.
Yesterday was another day when co-editors Bernice and Laury moved ahead on their Measure for Measure edition. I captured them during the action. They told me they were now completing the notes for the last scene. Bernice had been at her computer but retired to her study couch when her back hurt too much. Bernice is holding the last printout and, after lively discussion of each point, Laury records everything in her laptop. The second picture (because i like it) shows the Romeo and Juliet edition in the same series they did last year. This series is intended for high school and college students and, besides the modernized text they have edited, has extensive notes.
Recent visitors included Kathryn, Bernice's dear friend, member of her writing group, and college colleague. Bernice and Kathryn had lunch together and feasted on (you guessed it) salmon patties and fresh tomatoes from our garden. In the early evening Rick arrived for dinner and the opportunity to tell us of his recent travels and adventures. Rick is a former student of Bernice's who went on to earn his PhD in literature, has authored a few books, and is like our fifth son. He is now on the faculty at Bernice's college and holds dual citizenship in the US and in Brazil where he was born and where he has family. He has published in both English and in Portuguese and often spends his summers in Brazil. His niece Gloria, an engineer with the giant Brazil oil concern, was recently on a six-month assignment in London and Rick had just returned from a visit there. Besides his travel adventures we always enjoy hearing about the exciting things in his life.
Until next time,
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