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Hello All,
Here are Sonia, Bernice's home health aide on TTh, and a happy Bernice at the stove. Sonia is learning about new dishes on each visit and today she learned how to make light, crisp, cheese pancakes. So good! Only because I am doing the shopping am I aware that a main ingredient is Farmer's Cheese but there are also eggs. They also used some of the cheese mix (I don't know if it is modified) to make a baked cheese loaf by baking in a small rectangular pyrex dish in the oven where a golden brown crust forms. I know there are frustrated cooks out there who will just have to await Bernice's return to be informed of details of her tasty recipes. I have my cheese pancakes with sour cream and cheese and sometimes with maple syrup. Note also, simmering on the back burner is a pot of steel-cut oatmeal which sits there readying itself for over an hour. This is now a regular Tuesday task for Sonia who divides the oatmeal into about six servings that become one of Bernice's favorite breakfasts.
Yesterday, Cantor Eric from our synagogue visited in the morning. I only was here near the end of his visit since on MWF I am at my JCC water aerobics class but I did catch the end of their discussions about biblical interpretations in the modern light. Bernice always enjoys the breadth and depths of the Cantor's learning and views and loves the stimulating discussions that ensue. Later in the day friend Joanne came for a long visit and went with Bernice for her walk in the neighborhood. Bernice now tries to take at least one such walk a day.
Laury came in the afternoon today and the women spent a productive period on their Measure for Measure. In spite of the good things happening, Bernice was not having a good day because the painful itching related to her blood condition has returned. In addition her back was aching and the pain meds were doing little to alleviate her discomfort. Thursday will be a big day for we are returning to Mount Sinai for the first time since her release on September 8. Bernice will get a CT scan to check out how her brain is looking and will then see Dr M, her neurosurgeon. If Bernice has the stamina we will also see another Dr M, her hematologist/oncologist. The challenge for me is logistical. The hospital has convenient parking arranged but Bernice would be unable to walk with only her cane through the maze of corridors of this giant medical center but must travel by wheel chair. We both hope there will be some good answers.
Good night everyone,
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