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Good Evening All,
There is Bernice with Dimary, her MWF aide, enjoying some vital kitchen work. This is how the preparation of spinach pancakes begins. When I shopped, following Bernice's detailed list, I chose the freshest looking, most succulent package of pre-washed spinach available. Dimary gave this a through wash again and Bernice chopped the spinach into small but not diminutive pieces. Dimary accompanied Bernice on a nice neighborhood walk. Dimary does many household tasks and today this included unloading the dryer and folding all the clothes. Part of this wash were all my undershirts and underpants and this is a job I usually perform myself. Dimary arranged my things in an orderliness and neatness these garments had not seen since i purchase them. As i returned them to my drawer I wondered if i would have the heart to disrupt these pristine piles.
When dinner time approached I was called to help make the spinach pancake and did my best under dear Bernice's instruction. I got out some extra sharp cheddar cheese and cut it into reasonably sized small chunks. Bernice, staying off her feet because of the consequent swelling when she stands too much, participated from her seat at the table. The chopped spinach was in a large bowl and she added four eggs and the cheese chunks and stirred this. I got out a large frying pan, added a skim of olive oil, and turned on the heat. Bernice instructed me to wait until the olive oil shimmered but not to let it smoke. I now gathered about four or five portions of the spinach mixture and was pleased with the sizzle as I formed each pancake. Bernice said I should set the table and keep busy doing other things while my first batch was frying. I was a little reluctant to leave my work unwatched and tried to keep an eye. I was instructed to keep the pancakes from running into each other. They had the appealing look of amoeba reaching for each other with their pseudopods but I was in control and prevented all attempts to of theirs to reach each other. Another good Bernice instruction was to take my spoon and dip deeply into the spinach bowl and get the egg mixture settled at the bottom and drizzle it on the cooking pancakes. I checked a few times to get the correct turnover time and was very pleased with the crisp and browned surface I exposed. I gathered the finished one for our dinner. I found an extra pleasure in eating these pancakes that I had helped make. There are eight remaining which can be eaten in a sandwich, unheated, the next day. A Merwin-recommended dish.
Tomorrow will be another first in Bernice's recovery for we are going to see the Met Opera production of Boris Godunov at our local HD (high definition) movie theater. Our experience is that the seats fill very early so we plan on getting there in time to get one of the handicap person seats. I will let you know it goes. Last season we attended a number of these production which are transmitted simultaneously to over 500 theaters world wide from a current Saturday afternoon opera production. It is like being in row 7, center.
have a great weekend everyone,
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