Hi All!
What is this greenery you might wonder. If you look carefully, there among the ivy leaves, are the fresh, lush, new growth of a Magnolia Grandiflora. Some ten years ago our son Dave designed and installed most of the plantings in our garden. This magnolia is native to the deep south and has no right to survive in our relatively harsh winters but this particular specimen, losing an occasional branch and struggling, gave us much pleasure with dinner-plate-sized blossoms. This spring there was no visibility of life and we cut down the dead branches to the ground. A couple of days ago, Dave seeing to the backyard garden and fishpond that I have not seen since my hospital watch in the city, sent me this picture of rejuvenation. It lives he exclaimed and suggested that this is a hint of what is to come with his mom. Neither of us is stretching the symbolism but it is a happy event.
On the medical front I must say that progress in the last two days is slow even though there are better numbers and, perhaps, these must be given their due and time. When Bernice left GC hospital her WBC was 264 (normal is 4 to 11) and this has now been driven down to 142. During the five weeks she was on the trial drug her WBC was between 50 and 100 but this is part of her underlying blood condition. One number a diagnosis does not make and the expert doctors must balance many in their efforts to restore Bernice's vitality and health. Weekends in hospitals are a holding time. Doctors and nurses stand ready but the big players have left instructions and will return to the fray on Monday. Mt Sinai had only reports of the radiology performed at GC and wanted their own images to make sure nothing was missed. Bernice now has had a new CT scan of her skull and an MRI of her spine. An intern showed me and Harvey (he gets respect) the reports. There is a bad vertebra break which is evidently the source of continued pain requiring the pain meds. The subdural bleed shows up and is inactive now.
Sandy joined Harvey today and Sandy and I accompanied Bernice on a walk in the corridors today. I arrived in the hospital at about 10:30 and left about 6:30 tonight. H&S stayed on but a planned second walk did not take place because Bernice was too tired. Last night H and I had dinner together and I just finished the half I took home. H&S and I took some time off and had lunch at about 2:00 today. We brought Bernice back a mango frosty and she liked it and downed at least some of this. She is not eating much so a treat like this is a good idea.
I have been reading the NY Times to Bernice each day for she does not feel like reading herself. I have also interspersed some readings from the TLS (Times Literary Supplement) I am now entertaining myself writing this blog while listening to the sweet refrains of John Dowland (thanks Raymond) from my iPod. I appreciate feedback you can give by commenting here but just do not have the energy to answer everyone. I pass on the news to Bernice.
Good night all,
Please give Bernice all of my love.......