Hello Bloggers All,
I was going to skip the blog writing tonight but was inspired by the photo Harvey took with his ever-ready iPhone. There is Christy on the right, an inspiring and insistent physical therapist who got Bernice up into the walker for her first stroll down the hall since her arrival on Monday. At one point Bernice wanted to turn back but Christy urged her to make it to the EXIT sign ahead. I had to promise Christy that I would later get Bernice to repeat the walk. We partly did this but but Bernice developed a bout of nausea and we had to curtail the excursion. More specialists came in and their coordinated efforts are showing in some marked improvement. I can now see clearly the difference between the care Bernice received at well-meaning Glen Cove hospital (part of the well thought of North Shore System) and Mt Sinai. Bernice entered GC through its ER after a terrific blow to her head requiring 7 stitches to close and which also caused a subdural hematoma and a broken vertebra. They dealt quite adequately with this immediate trauma sending her to ICU, verifying there was no more internal bleed, and then getting her into rehab to strengthen and train her for her release home. There were hematologists who saw her and even spoke to our Dr M who could not direct things from 30 miles away. The GC rehab center does a fine job with patients who have had knee and hip replacements, bad falls, and were in auto accidents. With Bernice there were complications of a blood disorder they probably never encountered. At Mt Sinai our Dr M is coordinated a single effort which is just now pulling her up out of the health hole she literally stumbled into.
As I crossed Bryant Park tonight returning to our little place I passed mobs of people carousing at the cafe there and could see and hear hundreds of others at an outside rock concert. It is an extremely lively scene.
I am off to a little reading before bed. My dear Bernice is concerned that I am eating right and getting enough rest. Certainly.
Having Harvey here is a great comfort.
Love to all, Merwin
As always, click on picture to enlarge, hit back arrow to return to blog.
Thank God for improvement!