Monday, August 30, 2010

In Neurosurgery ICU

Hi Everyone,

Bernice was first in the OR this morning and when I arrived at about 10:00 this morning she was not yet in her bed #8 but arrived soon after, still woozy from the anesthesia. She gave me a wan smile while I took in her partially shaved head and the tubes and gadgets now part of her outerwear. She was glad to see me but I had to prompt her for a weak smile. Dr. Moyle, her surgeon, soon showed up and told us he was very pleased with the result. All the blood debris had been removed and any subsequent bleed is very unlikely but would be dealt with if it occurred. She will get more CT scans to monitor the situation. The displaced portion of the brain is now expected to fill the newly created void. Bernice has a hair shave at her left brow line extending to above her left ear. She will probably remain in ICU for at least two days and is only constrained to lying flat on her back. She has a drain that will remain in place for the duration of her ICU stay.

She is uncomfortable and has had a few bouts of nausea but has only taken water so far. She is not a happy camper and told me she now wonders if this was worth doing. I stayed until about 2:15 and headed back to the apartment for a much needed rest and put my head down at 3:00. (I have become a clock watcher during this siege). My cell phone awoke me a little after 4:00. It was Bernice's nurse saying that my dear wife wanted me there. After my now overly familiar subway ride on the #6 I came up to her bed and was confronted by a rather testy Bernice. Where had I been? She wanted me there. She would have not left me alone.

She improved during the afternoon and evening. I read a good amount of the NY Times to her and we even discussed some of of the content and writing. I am hoping for a better tomorrow.

love, Merwin

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