Thursday, April 1, 2010

Progress everyday

Dear family and friends,

The sun is very bright, a good day to take my first trip in a car since the fall, over two weeks ago. Yesterday Bill showed Merwin and me how I could get down the outside stairs (very easy, same as inside really except one rail to hang onto instead of two), wheel along the path and to the open passenger door, and get in: the trick is to swing the derriere onto the seat, then swing the legs in. Easier said than done, since the right leg does not like to swing. But by holding on to the car and the hand grip, I eased myself in. We did that a few times, in and out, Bill coaching me as we went along. Hooray! Now I can go to the airport to pick up Jesús on Sunday. Today we are going to take a practice run down to the beach.

Bill told me that only walking and standing can strengthen the broken bone. The exercises he gives me to do, more each time he comes, are to prevent muscles from deteriorating. I certainly have done a lot of standing in the kitchen these last few days with all the prep for Passover. But generally I do a lot of sitting also, counting on my JCC exercises to provide whatever invigorating weight bearing exercise I need. Now I have to focus more on walking and standing here at home to get better faster. It will take a long time, Bill says. This is a bad break, he intones. But then again he praises my efforts, as any good instructor should.

Yesterday I found that I had made a serious mistake (in my own thinking) when recording a Gunthio note for Who knows how many such I overlook entirely. Oh, my. I have to be extra careful. The mind is not what it used to be.

My bloods came back with good improvements, WBC down and platelets up, though each far from "normal." I am grateful for any signs that the meds are working.

Potato pancakes on the menu tonight, with applesauce and sour cream. I made a second batch of matzoh rolls; they were terrific, very light. Sami writes that her rolls are a bit different. She adds the dry ingredients to the water; I do the opposite, adding the very hot water to the dry ingredients, and then the eggs one at a time. She flavors the rolls with a little cinnamon and uses part walnut oil, which is less savory than the part olive oil I use. The rolls can go either way, sweet or savory, or divide the dough in half and make each half a different flavor.

I hope you enjoy your day as much as I expect to,

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