Today has been a very good day. I am tired now, but that's understandable. I have been going all day long (it's after 9 p.m.). Early this morning I went to Mimi's aerobic class, which I have missed since banging my rib three weeks go. Movement, particularly reaching overhead, is restricted, but I did all right. It was good to move with the others, good to feel myself taking deep breaths. Afterward Elaine and I had a quick coffee at Gila's, always a pleasure.
At one o'clock Merwin and I were at Dr. Janus's office, where I had another chest xray. She was very pleased: there IS progress. The stethoscope sounding was improved, and she showed us the improvements in the new xray. Some of the pneumonia clouds are thinner. So we don't have to return for another month, unless something untoward happens. And even better, we can delay the, as she called it, "dreaded open chest biopsy." I was a little worried abut that, mainly for social reasons: I didn't want a stay in the hospital to ruin so many nice plans we have.
I am to continue the antibiotic, 3x a week, and prednisone 40 mg daily as well. That's a pretty big dose, and it may not be as easy to take for a whole month as it has been for the last couple of weeks. I look a little like a chipmunk, but who cares? Well, actually, I do, but it doesn't matter since it will be temporary, we hope. I am fortunate that Merwin finds no fault in the way I look at any time.
Good news arrived in a couple of other ways. I learned that the big Shakespeare journal, I believe the biggest, has accepted the essay I sent a few months ago. This was very important to me: one of the projects I hoped to complete, and now completion (publication anyway) is in sight. The two anonymous readers both liked it, but of course they had suggestions for improving it too. I will put aside many other things to get at this task, starting tomorrow, I hope. It means going to the NYPL or getting some materials from interlibrary loan.
We heard from our granddaughter Rachael: she plans to come to Glen Head on Thurs. to see us. I have wanted to have her here (rather than as usual meeting her in NYC) because I would like her to pick out any film books she might want from my collection: she is a budding and hard-working cinematographer. Weeding books we don't need gives Merwin and me room to expand other aspects of our collections, like paintings. This is a step toward redecorating the bedroom, one wall of which is now primed in mango or a reasonable equivalent—much better than the dark mahogany walls.
We have been looking at many items not seen for years: one was a pile of completely blank photo albums, waiting to be filled with the thousands of photos we have collected over the years. But no one wants to use such albums any more. Now it's all on the computer. So we are selecting some photos to put in our iPhoto albums.
I'll try to add a photo tomorrow.
Good night,

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