Dear Friends and Family,
The fourth of July was a quiet day for us. We heard the fireworks and recollected the times we used to go, often with the Spector family, to eat a picnic supper at Morgan Beach and wait impatiently for dark for the glorious fireworks to begin. At that time, the displays were the work of a family that had been making them for years and years and were famous all over the world. Once there was a terrible accident at their Long Island plant. I don't know if it was rebuilt or not, or whether they stopped then, but now, I have heard, all the fireworks come from China and South Korea (I believe), though the displays are still choreographed here by Americans.
Tuesday is Sonia's day, and our habit is to take a walk. We went early to Tappen Beach, where the tide was low low low, but the Sycamore walk was shady. I persist in spite of fatigue: I have to push myself to make it to the point, where we sit for a while before returning to the car. There were lots of water birds, mostly ducks and geese and seagulls. Funny. We had seen none at high tide a few days before.
I submitted my voluminous review of the edition of Hamlet. I have a lot to say, so I wrote a humongous review, detailing every aspect that I thought was good, bad, or could be improved.
Laury visited in the afternoon. She has only a short respite between trimesters, and wants to accomplish as much as she can. She has now read the whole of my book on Macbeth in performace (and admires it, the dear), and will soon got to TOFT (Theater on Film and Tape) to see some productions to select those we want to write about. It's hard for me, because I have already written a lot about Macbeth (a whole book and many reviews): how can I find something fresh to say? I think it will be in the focus, on kinds of productions.
We didn't go to see a free movie. Nothing appealed to us. Has anyone seen Buck? That's one we could have seen.
Today the writing group meets for lunch at Kiraku and for a reading session here. What a joy.
Love to all.
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