I have so many photos to share now! Here are two that continue the Paris theme. At the top is Doolinou, the parrot, a dear companion to beautiful Sarah, a Parisian who is a Shakespearean, of course. We saw her for a meal in Paris 10 years ago when we were there after our week-long celebration in London of our 50th anniversary with our immediate family, 13 of us. Memorable! Of course we also saw her in Rouen, before and after at conferences. More about her tomorrow. Below is a photo of the Lavins, who have just returned from a month spent in Paris. You've seen this family before: they are so photogenic!
Dear Friends and Family,
A brief blog today (I think). Merwin and I had appointments with our eye doctor this morning. The news is pretty good for Merwin: he has cataracts, not terrible, but they can be removed. No hurry. The surgery has gotten better and better, easier and easier for the patient, Dr. Marks assures us. My vision has deteriorated markedly in the last six months. I was ready to chance cataract surgery on my right eye because reading has gotten more difficult. But it turns out that because I have Fuchs Dystrophy, my corneas are implicated as well. True, the cataract in my reading eye is huge, but removing it might not help my vision much. The Fuchs is also affecting the eye that had cataract surgery: the cornea is losing its spring. But I do not need my distance eye so desperately because I drive very little now (just to Tappen Beach for my walk with Sonia). Dr. Marks suggested that I see an expert in the field of corneal transplants, the head of ophthalmology at North Shore, who might tell me if surgery is a possibility. Dr. Marx would not attempt cornea replacement surgery. So I have to decide. My inclination is not to go for the follow-up. What's the point? I know I seem to go on and on like the bunny in that ad, but I know I am going downhill in many ways. How much longer can it be, Oh, Deity?
On the other hand, so many things give me pleasure in this life, limited as it is.
I have been enormously engaged by the review I am writing for a publisher of a Hamlet ms. It is leading me to make many comments. I have been going and going!
This was First Friday, lunch with friends at the Jolly Fisherman. I so look forward to these happy occasions when I get together with friends. Gladys, the raison d'etre of our gatherings, told a wonderful story published in a book about art dealers featuring her daughter, an art dealer, now deceased. I will tell you all some of this when I have the published version in hand.
I did better than usual, talked a blue streak without getting breathless (I think because my spleen in its new svelt shape (7 month pregnancy, as I have written) is no longer pressing against my lungs. And with the neurological problem solved by Gabapentin, I can sit for a long period with feet on the floor; the feet are still frozen (numb) but they give me no grief really. The numbness probably affects my balance somewhat.
Last night, Florence and David, neighbors of ours, stopped over for a short visit. They left this morning for their month-long rental in the Berkshires. They are both healthy; they both lead a wonderfully active life. I love hearing about all they are doing! I remember very well my active days, and the recollections give me a lot of pleasure. In my memory, I am THERE again, with dear friends, enjoying the sights & sites, and everything else.
Love to all,
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