Dear Friends and Family,
As usual, finding pleasure is small things, I enjoy seeing each flower as it appears. I am not a gardener at all, but I do enjoy the results. Yesterday, when Sonia and I took the Sycamore walk at Tappen Beach, the leaves were out in full; last time the trees were bare. Yes, Sonia is still here. The woman she was hoping to work for 5 days a week is still in rehab. I asked our synagogue to post a message on member to member, a way for people to ask for or offer help. Here is my posting:
My wonderful aide, Sonia Tong, is looking for work. She now works for us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings but is looking for more hours and more days. She lives in Cambria Heights and drives her own car. She's a mench. Please call Bernice at 516 671 1301 for further information.
If any of you know anyone who needs an aide, please let me know.
Early in the day, Dr. Moyle, the neurosurgeon, returned my call. I do have a encapsulated hematoma, accounting for the headaches I have been having since he told me about it a month ago. He doesn't think the situation is dire, so instead of having another scan this month, as he wanted at first, he said I should get it in June. The radiology office wondered if Medicare would pay for so many scans: we have to find out. They cost about 2,000, if you can believe that!
Yesterday was a very busy day. Beside the walk at Tappen Beach, I went to the dentist's office for a cleaning by Yvonne. She says my teeth looked good. I do try, with brushing many times a day, flossing, and using a water pic. I learned, I think for the first time, that Yvonne is the sister-in-law of Mike, the son of our dear friend Annie. Right after the dentist I went for a manicure and pedicure. I was quite tired by then, but later in the evening we watched the second half of Chunghyang, a wonderful Korean movie that we have seen several times. After that we watched Bill Maher on TV. I like his show a lot. I like hearing the mix of opinions. The point is, that with Merwin's urging I got out of bed to see the movie and then felt more energetic altogether. I have to keep moving.
We have only one car now, so I had to wait for Merwin to do my errands and in the morning when I went for the walk he had to wait for me. We will get used to this. I feel comfortable driving in our little community.
As you might guess, I had no time to work on my computer yesterday except for some email. On Monday, I did do some hamletworks.org records. Today I have nothing planned and will get to work.
Love to all,
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