Another photo of our visit to Vaughan in 1970, showing Lincoln. I am sitting with a couple of Vaughan's friends. Her specialty has been, among other subjects, photographing disconnects, people who are with each other but not with each other. I have one of my favorites of this series, a photo of (as it happens) four of Vaughan's relatives (mother and aunts), all in the same room, none connecting with each other.
Dear Friends and Family,
Because of the MRI I had Tuesday, I didn't do much at all. It took hours. I had the scan because I have begun to experience pain. Not a lot: two Tylenol take care of it for the most part. I asked Harvey to get the report: no surprises there: my spleen is huge and so is my liver. The former squeezes the small and large intestines. What's to be done? Maybe Dr. M.’s promised drug trial will help.
In the meantime there has been a flurry of activity. I have proofs of "At Sea" to approve, as well as proofs of an essay I wrote a few years ago coming in a day or two from Shakespeare Survey to correct. I don't mind this work in general, but I am having trouble sitting on the recliner with my computer in my lap for any length of time. I will try sitting at the big computer: it may be easier.
We had a brief iChat with Michèle and Raymond yesterday, actually, my chat was brief, but Merwin wiled away the tedious time for his water-drinking chore before he goes to radiation with a longer chat with Raymond. I had a chance to look at him as he happily engaged in our conversation: he looked serene and happy. A lovely sight.
Merwin harvested two long asparagus stems from our back yard and I cooked them lightly to go with his dinner. He is appreciative of every single thing I do for him—as I am for all he does for me.
I have been admiring all our flowers, but the other day as Dave and I walked through the front garden, he pointed out all the diseases apparent. So the flowers for all I know may be experiencing a last hurrah! Strange how good and bad are so mixed.
I do believe that good sometimes comes from bad. Small example. My TV went crazy, none of my usual channels worked, so I searched around and found channel 79, CSpan, and listened to some wonderful speeches without any commercial breaks. Just now, that Ryan fellow is on, and I have heard enough from him. He is so wrong. I am hopeful that like the special election in Buffalo, the Democrats will take advantage of the backlash against the Ryan plan, which will yield a Congress that can work with not against Obama. Be canny, Democrats! I am sorry I cannot be part of the struggle to turn things around so Obama can accomplish what he wants to do. The days are over of manning telephone banks and traveling to go door to door with Planned Parenthood.
Can't sit any longer, will try again tomorrow.
Love to all,
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