Dear friends and famly,
Friday morning, we had the pleasure of Rick's company for a while. He is deep;y into volley ball, and is very good at it. He and I worked on Latin American Shakespeares, and recently José Ramón sent me reviews of the book, very positive. Sonia was here also, because she couldn't be here on Thursday, her usual day, when I had the writing group meeting at NCC. Sadly, our long-term insurance, which pays for her help, is making noises about whether I really really need her. Reason not the need, I say, but the policy says something different: I have to have at least 2 of 7 disabilities, and I have none now.
She does so much for us both, cooking, the wash, and guiding me on my walk around the block. Most important, she puts me through my exercise regimen. Most of the exercises require a helping hand. I don't like people leaving my life, but I know that Sonia could do better with a more than two-days-a-week job, and she would like more work. She made Yukon Gold potatoes, cut small, the way we make the cauliflower. She mixed 1 T olive oil, 1 t curry powder, a pinch of salt, 1/4 t pepper. Bake at 450 for about a half hour but check after 20 minutes. Utterly delicious.
In the evening, Merwin went to his book group to talk about Justice and didn't return until after midnight. Dave had discovered that Michael Sandel's entire set of lecture that the book is based on is available online, free. Merwin enjoyed completing the book by viewing and listening, because the lectures include the very lively and bright responses of the Harvard freshmen. I think I will try some chapters—except I am so busy, it's hard even to complete the library book I now am reading.
On Saturday, Laury and I spent the morning as you see in the photo above, side by side, working on the final revisions that the publisher asked for. I must be getting better because I was able to work with her for over two hours. Then Lincoln came and we went out for a late lunch. We hung out together all day, watching Sergeant York with Gary Cooper in the late afternoon, having supper, chatting. Very enjoyable.
I have been thinking more about the Macbeth project. I asked for a couple of weeks to make up my mind. Yet through the grapevine I learn that some people think I have accepted already. Laury and I would work together, and that is always fun. I am trying to project myself into June 2012 when the chapter is due! I have been wondering if I would "make it" to April 12 and my NYPL talk. I have to say that there are moments that I don't want to go on at all: this body makes me creep along; I am barely able to raise myself from a chair and sometimes need help. I itch terribly. I wake up aching all over, feeling as if a train has run over me. And yet. And yet. Here I am enjoying the prospect of an intellectual challenge, enjoying the sunshine, the music I am listening to as I type, and the sound of Merwin's sneezes, a sign that he may be finished with his breakfast.
Margaret will be here soon to clean our house, so I will stop now, with loving thoughts of all of you.
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