The photo on the left is of Grant, lively son of Gisele and Dan. Dan, a gifted photographer, was one of the people in a Sunday running group I belonged to. Mostly I liked to run by myself, listening (and dancing almost) to the music in my headphones, but once a week it was fun going out with a group. We'd drive in someone's car to a park with good hills. Lovely memories. The photo on the right is of little Eddie, named after his grandfather who died young some years ago. Eddie is a long awaited grandchild for Sandy, Big Eddie's widow, a Marriage Encounter friend for many years.
Dear Friends and Family,
I can remember only if I write things down! On Monday Doris took me out for lunch, at the very nearby Japanese restaurant. What a good meal we had, and what fun to chat about our families and mutual friends. Just before she arrived to pick me up, Sandy called to tell us how he is coping with Phyllis's death and his own illness. It's been such a short time, but he is doing very well, with plans for helping others. He'll be coming to New Jersey from Tucson this spring, and we hope to be able to get together.
Tuesday was Sonia's day, and after she left I had to nap instead of going out as I had hoped to do. Reality keeps on encroaching on my hopes and plans. I found out that the TOFT collection (Theater on Film and Tape) has a sizable collection of Macbeth films, records of production that played in NYC, as well as some films. It would be wonderful to view these: some I saw and wrote about at the time; some I saw and did not write about. Laury is probably going to do more viewing than I will be able to do. I am so glad she is with me on the project. There is a lot for me to do, though, before we start writing.
Yesterday, Merwin and I had a comedy of errors, going out to a non-existent hardware store to look for drawer pulls to replace the ones that are falling apart on a chest in my bedroom. We tried another one and then another without getting far. We finally ended up ordering the pulls from the Internet. I hope they are as handsome as they look in the online catalog. Dave came over to give his dad a treat, slow-cooked eggs, a very careful way to produce perfect, mellow eggs. Merwin was a happy man! You should have seen his face as he was eating: pure bliss.
Today we go to Dr. M. I am hoping he can help me at least with the itching. We will drive in and back and not stay over as we sometimes do. Merwin has too much work to do here. He's very busy, much of it chores for me, such as, for example, renewing my handicapped parking permit.
Love to all,
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