Since my internet access is flaky, I am rushing to write before I am shot down. The photo above, part of the back yard, is one of three views I have of foliage from my recliner where I can put my feet up, a necessity to prevent pain in my legs. The other two views, at the side and front of the house, are fading now, many leaves having dropped, but all is still very lovely. I listen to classical music on channel 890, a soothing background. The itching, caused by my blood condition, is barely tolerable, but I am grateful that it subsided enough to let me sleep last night; the night before it had kept me up. Though this is torture, not akin to waterboarding perhaps but bad enough, there is a smile on my face.
Laury and I are completing work on Measure for Measure, and I am eager to return to hamletworks.org, especially since I have a date to talk about it at the New York Public Library on April 12th. I will attach the draft flyer that Jay, the man in charge of events for scholars and writers, sent me. I like the idea of looking forward in this way, projecting myself into the spring when the leaves will have returned. And I am launching myself mentally even further, to Avital's wedding in July. She and her family have been part of our lives since Harvey and Sandy moved to New Haven. And in the meantime, I am trying hard to live one day at a time, enjoying particular moments of pleasure with sons, Merwin, and friends, and with reading and writing: every day is full.
We plan to go to our city apartment this weekend, just an overnight. I don't expect to leave the apartment once I am there, but I will enjoy the view of Bryant Park and the skaters, and Rick will join us for breakfast on Sat. morning. That will be a treat.
Today, I am planning to get into my car and drive around a bit, just to acclimate myself to the feeling of being a driver again. I have not driven since July.
Fond greetings to all,
You are driving? Whoa.