Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nothing New

Dear Blog-visitors,

Nothing much to report today. It began with the same fatigue I have been experiencing for several days; then by about 4 p.m. it had lessened enough to start my working on our website, I also made mid-day Turmeric chicken dinner for Merwin and an evening meal (cauliflower a la Rachel: quite good: thanks Rae-Rae). We also went to North Shore Farms, where we gobbled up the free treats (well, I did), and we shopped for next week. We thought going at night might work out better, but it was pretty crowded.

The sad part of the day was phoning our in-laws, Sandy's parents. Sandy's mother, Lee, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has canceled plans to come to Harvey and Sandy's home for Thanksgiving. I have been thinking that this would be the last time I would see these dear people. I didn't think it would shape up this way. I cry so easily; there I am on the phone, weeping, while Lee and Murray sound like people totally in charge of their emotions, thanking us for thinking of them and phoning.

I am looking forward to working tomorrow with Laury on Measure for Measure. If only I can pull myself together early enough so we can have a full day.

Now back to work on, if only for an hour.

Fond regards to all,

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