Dear Friends and Family,
I am not sure how long I can continue the blog. My energy level is sinking. Merwin reminds me that I have had downs before, but this one does feel terminal. I am ready. In any case, I still love the flowers and trees around me. I try to go for a walk each day, a little one around the block, and I even climb up on my stationary bicycle and do a few slow minutes.
My news: On Monday, Hedda brought lunch, which turned out to be our supper too. On Tuesday the Dzens came over with pizza, from Abeetza Pizza. On Wednesday, Kathryn came with the sesame noodles I requested—a huge quantity enough for a week. Delicious. She went for a walk with me and also went to Kiraku to pick up our lunch; the restaurant mixed up our order and to Kathryn they didn't seem to be contrite. I mean to phone them to complain. The company is even more important than the meals—though the meals are certainly helpful in these days of low energy.
Sonia put me through my paces on Tuesday, a walk and exercises, then massage; same on Thursday. I don't know what I would do without her. She cheers me up and makes me feel stronger. She made a salmon loaf under my direction and got quite excited about it for herself. It's low fat, which is what she wants.
This was our recipe: Preheat oven to 350. Mix together 1 can of salmon, not drained, and 1 can of tuna, drained. Crumble thoroughly. Add 1/2 C of my homemade bread crumbs (more would have been better), 1/2 C of very finely cut onion, parsley from the freezer (could have used more), 2 eggs (1 egg might have been better), pepper. After blending all thoroughly to crush any lumps, pour into loaf pan and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Check if the loaf is firm to the touch. If not yet firm, continue baking. Ours took 35-40 minutes in our little convection oven. Merwin and I like to eat it cold, sliced in sandwiches.
This is all I can say for now. I'll try to write again.
Love to all,
You'll write again! I know it!!!