Dear Friends and Family
Last night we saw/heard Lucia di Lammermoor with Natalie Dessay. This is one of the HD operas we missed when we could have seen it at a local theater, so we were pleased to see it on our own TV. I saw it the same way as I heard it as a child when my parents, every single Saturday, had the opera on our radio (no TV in those early days). That is, without titles. I couldn't see them and be in a comfortable position. But I enjoyed it enormously anyway, and I liked being able to comment as the silliness of the story unfolded. What a dummy Lucia is, but what a voice Dessay has. It's amazing that so much comes from such a tiny body.
Earlier in the evening I had the pleasure of hearing Keith Obermann, one of my favorite commentators, who always has such interesting guests. He's now on the Current channel, not widely available, but he's happier working for Al Gore than for whichever company owns MSNBC.
I have the feeling that the higher dose of chemo has shrunk my spleen. It's still huge, but maybe a 7th month pregnancy size rather than 9th month.
Monday and Tuesday I spent mostly working on the draft of my SQ essay. Yet a few more changes I wanted to make, mostly my own errors and lack of clarity. Oh my. I sent in the last notes just before Folger closing time. But I got my reward: after months of working with Mimi at SQ without her saying anything positive or negative about my essay—just very business like, she finally wrote me this note:
I so appreciate all of your time and hard work on this essay, Bernice. I think it looks so good; I hope that you are pleased with it as well! We are thrilled to have it in SQ.
Wow! Of course, I am thrilled too and told her so. I have enjoyed every minute of working on the research, writing, shaping my argument, revising and editing—and now it will be here in August. Hooray!
Laury came over on Wed. and we worked a little on our Macbeth chapter. I wrote to TOFT (Theater on Film and Tape) and asked about any new Macbeth videos since we got the last list from them: they will soon have the BAM version I reviewed. It will be wonderful to see the "film" version and compare it to the recollection I have.
Nick has been doing a great job with hamletworks, clarifying the connection to MIT, adding web sites, very much taking the lead, for which I am very grateful. He will be seeing our other main editor in Prague. How grand for them to be able to present our site there.
I bought tickets for "War Horse" at Lincoln Center (we're members). I am feeling more ambitious about going to the theater.
Yesterday I got my first haircut since I was shaved for surgery last August. Merwin took me to Paul Anthony Aesthetics where I was greeted very warmly and sweetly by all, from the nice man who parks the car, to the staff and of course by Paul himself, who is a friend. It felt so good to be there, to be greeted that way, and to get my hair into shape. Having washed it this morning, I am not sure about it, but it'll be OK.
Sonia could not come yesterday but will be here today. And today we go out to lunch with Doris and Stan—at my favorite: Kiraku.
Oh, one more thing, I got a message from Bedford Press asking me to review a book on Hamlet they are hoping to publish. I know and admire the author well, so that will be a pleasure—as well as providing a little income. The ms. hasn't arrived yet, but I expect it any day.
Thanks for reading!
Love to all,
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