Dear friends and family,
Yesterday we went for a ride for the first time since the flu took over my life—that is, a ride that didn't end with a visit to a doctor. We went to RSNS and dropped off some clothes for the INN, but more importantly saw Louise's beautiful art show there. The depth of her imagination is breath taking. We bought a little piece that will likely be a present for someone eventually, but that we will enjoy for a time at least if we can find a bit of wall to display it! We already have many framed photos leaning against walls. I think it may work in our apartment.
After that we stopped at Caggiano's, a fine catering and grocery shop, and picked up some goodies for lunch and supper. Mainly we were there to look around and see what we could get this weekend when the family will be here to celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary.
My work on the sentinels proceeds slowly. I start at the first sentence each time I open the document, and I usually see something I want to change; then I get to the end of the draft and begin adding. It is not an easy process, but the great thing is that the focus on the three sentinels teaches me things I had not considered before. I move from WORD to the website, slowly adding to the document. Laury happens to be working on Hamlet act one, scene one for the next SAA meeting in Seattle, so I shared my work-in-progress with her. We heard from Mike Jensen, always a good friend, that our edition of Romeo and Juliet had been reviewed favorably in the Shakespeare Bulletin. Somehow I missed that although I subscribe to that journal. Now I have to go on a hunt for it.
And so it goes: Telephone conversations with family and friends, living in the moment as well as keeping one eye cocked on the future—the coming weekend, trying to get stronger, thinking, writing. A full life.
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