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That is Bernice's dog Sammy in the picture. More of that later.
Things may be looking up. Before I go into to detail I must say that Bernice has accused me of occasional sugar-coating in my role as substitute blog writer. I tell her that I try to call it as I see it. So, be forewarned. The black& blue discolorations are fading but are not gone. Her ankles and lower legs are swollen and are painful but my impression is that the pain is less. Her doctors remain uncertain as to the cause but it is probably related to her underlying blood condition. A trip to the doctor is a major operation at this time and would involve hiring an ambulette again. Dr M, the main doctor involved in her care, seems willing to wait and see.
In the time being the situation with Home Health Aides appears to nicely resolved. Sonia, who I mentioned before, was here on Tuesday and Thursday. A very competent and willing worker who gave Bernice a shower, put all her linens in the wash, and generally straightened things out. Bernice instructed her in the making of spinach pancakes. Sonia is married to a Chinese man who does the major cooking in their house but she did a good job and we all enjoyed the dish. I can only say that the ingredients are limited to fresh spinach and eggs mixed together and added to a hot frying pan coated with some olive oil. I have never made this but have feasted on these delicious pancakes for decades. The family story is that when Bernice's older sister, Mildred, was a child a knowing doctor, to induce her to eat spinach, gave the recipe to Bernice's mother and this preparation has been a family favorite ever since. The present plan is have Sonia here every Tuesday and Thursday. She is sure to acquire more culinary instruction from Bernice.
With Yolanda gone we had new aide from the Visiting Nurse Service and she is a gem. The nurse was here on Yolanda's last day and agreed with us that it was just not worth having her here. I do feel sorry for this woman who certainly tries and I wish her luck and I hope she can find work elsewhere. Our nurse was instrumental in getting our new aide Dimary assigned here. She was here two hours today and gave Bernice a sponge bath and rearranged Bernice's drawers while Bernice instructed. Bernice decided to bag most of those colorful Bernice-signature stockings to make room in one of her drawers. Dimary, a young woman who happens to be attending Nassau Community College with hopes of becoming a nurse, was fascinated by these cool stockings. Bernice had her pick out a few to keep. At one point, Bernice sent me out to get some nail polish and Dimary gave Bernice a spirit-lifting manicure.
The presence of the aides are a blessing to Bernice and they certainly make things easier for me.
Now, about Sammy the dog. Bill the physical therapist returned yesterday and helped Bernice down the four steps to the main level of our home and Bernice, with her rollator, was greatly brightened by touring all the rooms. She needed Bill's help to get back up the stairs as her legs are not yet strong enough. He has given her exercises aimed at reducing the leg and ankle swelling and to strengthen everything. Sammy stands stoically in our front vestibule and greets guests as they enter our front door. Some visitors are momentarily taken back but soon see that Sammy is quite harmless and many give him a friendly pat. As Bill was leaving yesterday he told me that there was water on the tiles of the front vestibule near where Sammy was guarding our entrance. I knew I could trust Sammy for he is as throughly house broken as any dog can be, but I was greatly concerned about the source of the water. The ceiling was dry and a quick inspection under the large credenza offered mo immediate clue. There is a radiator located at the front wall and I had horrible visions of what a radiator leak might mean. But, why on a hot summer day? I found the culprit and was puzzled but greatly relieved. In the corner, hidden by the large credenza I had a half bag of Snow Melt crystals (not salt) which I last used to spread on ice on our front steps. Evidently these crystals had absorbed water to such an extent that they were now giving off the excess which had puddled onto the floor. I will have to ask our chemist granddaughter Laura for an explanation. Sammy, I suppose saw all this develop but was his usual silent self.
good night all,
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